Friday, July 16, 2010



The battle begins in the minds, thus remember your identity, renew your thought life, recognize your old life is dead, release past habits and replace them with new ones. This calls for self discipline. Colossian 3:1-14
Riches and wealthy can’t replace the value of God’s leadership in our lives, Numbers 23,24
Love is patient and kind. Patience is responding positively in a negative situation, repaying evil for good and better for best. Ephesians 4:2

The love of people increases with good performance and decreases with bad performance or mistakes, take a minute and think about the love of God. He loves us the way we are, with our defeats, mistakes, poor performance and failures. He loves us the way we are but refuses to leave us that way because He has a model for us to look: His son, Jesus Christ.

Don’t you worry that you are not strong enough before you begin because its in the journey that God will make you strong. Isaiah 58:11A word of faith always leaves you with something to do because faith without action is dead

This upgrade is drawn from the book of Romans 8:2…”For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death”. Countries have been, for so long fighting for freedom, that’s fighting to be free from oppression. In fact, no one wants to be oppressed thus every one wants to be free, but what is freedom? Freedom in other similar words means liberty, autonomy, lack of restrictions, independence, free will and also sovereignty. Take it any how but just know that we all need freedom. But there is a difference: political, economical, social freedoms are far different from spiritual freedom. Physically, when someone needs freedom they mean reduction of responsibilities which is different from this concept spiritually. Due to misconception of freedom, many African countries are still in crisis given their independence.

Spiritually, freedom has a certain level of framework or structure. The bible point out that we are set free from the law of sin and death by our union that we have through the Spirit of Jesus Christ. I just want you to see that our freedom has its framework which is the Spirit of God. This means we can and anly suppose to do, think, act, decide, live, behave and do all things with the freedom we have in connection to His Spirit. Remember also that the Spirit of God is above any Law, so life in spirit becomes the most productive life because within us lays the foundation of leadership and success.

What does it mean by being above the law? Yes, it means those who are led by the Spirit of God are above the law, why, because the law is weak, Romans 8:3, but also you can forget a law but you can’t forget the Spirit within you. This is why, if you are led by the Spirit of God, no one should tell you what is right or wrong because you have in you the one who knows all truth and can lead you to that. Practically, this needs obedience, which is another key point in freedom within framework. Life in spirit is our framework. We can only go as far much as His leadership and His Word in Spirit. Life in spirit is above life of pleasing friends, enemies, pastor, the world or any other thing. Life in Spirit does only please God and edify us. This is the life of faith without which we can’t please God. So we are free, yes but we need to work in the framework of the same freedom.
If we operate this life of freedom outside the framework we continue to be slaves of our own understanding and that is why Africa is still poor, because we don’t want to pay the cost of freedom within framework which is responsibility. Yes freedom goes with responsibilities, why, because enslavement makes you work for other and it becomes much harder to work for yourself. But Jesus came to set and make us free that is why he says we are set free by the Truth which is Himself-the Word of God. So my dear friends have time to reflect on this freedom we have in Christ and let us help others also. Let us walk, speak, live, look, interpret, think, meditate and do all things freely in the spiritual framework for we started and we are destined to live a life of spiritual manifest.

1 comment:

Christian Bwaya said...

Kazi nzuri na inaonekana kupangiliwa vyema! Kwa pamoja tutafika!